3D printing in spinal cord repair with Kobi Koffler

Video Journal of Biomedicine | Expert Perspective

Following his presentation at the International Spinal Research Trust, Jacob Koffler discusses his recent research combining 3D printing with regenerative medicine to repair spinal cord injuries. He discusses the challenges of regenerating neurons and how 3D-printed biomimetic scaffolds hold incredible potential for the future.

About the author:

 Jacob (Kobi) Koffler is Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego (USA) Center for Neural Repair, with experience in bioengineering, stem cells, neuroscience and drug delivery. His lab’s work focuses on bioengineering approaches to promote regeneration in the central and peripheral nerve regeneration. They use 3D printing, stem cells, material sciences, and drug delivery to provide guidance for repair mechanisms and enhance axonal regeneration.

Original publication:

Video originally published on RegMedNet from the Future Science Group, a networking site where users can share their knowledge and insights into regenerative medicine.